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Главная » 2008 » Ноябрь » 22 » LUSH 1.2.1
LUSH 1.2.1
LUSH 1.2.1

© http://lush.sourceforge.net/

Lush is an object-oriented programming language designed for researchers, experimenters, and engineers interested in large-scale numerical and graphic applications. Lush is designed to be used in situations where one would want to combine the flexibility of a high-level, weakly-typed interpreted language, with the efficiency of a strongly-typed, natively-compiled language, and with the easy integration of code written in C, C++, or other languages.

Lush is Free Software (under the GPL license) and runs on GNU/Linux, Solaris, Irix, and Windows under Cygwin.

Lush can be used advantageously for projects where one would otherwise use a combination of an interpreted language like Matlab, Python, Perl, S+, or even (gasp!) BASIC, and a compiled language like C. Lush brings the best of both worlds by wrapping three languages into one: (1) a weakly-typed, garbage-collected, dynamically scoped, interpreted language with a simple Lisp-like syntax, (2) a strongly-typed, lexically-scoped compiled language that uses the same Lisp-like syntax, and (3) the C language, which can be freely mixed with Lush code within a single program, even within a single function. It sounds complicated, but it is not. In fact, Lush is designed to be very simple to learn and easy to use.

Lush's main features includes:

* A very clean, simple, and easy to learn Lisp-like syntax.
* A compiler that produces very efficient C code and relies on the C compiler to produce efficient native code (no inefficient bytecode or virtual machine).
* An easy way to interface C functions and libraries, and a powerful dynamic linker/loader for object files or libraries (.o, .a and .so files) written in other compiled languages.
* The ability to freely mix Lisp and C in a single function.
* A powerful set of vector/matrix/tensor operations.
* A huge library of over 10,000 numerical routines, including full interfaces to GSL, LAPACK, and BLAS.
* A library of image and signal processing routines.
* An extensive set of graphic routines, including an object-oriented GUI toolkit, an interface to OpenGL/GLU/GLUT, and the OpenInventor scene rendering engine.
* An interface to the Simple Directmedia Layer (SDL) multimedia library, including a sprite class with pixel-accurate collision detection (perfect for 2D games).
* Sound and video grabbing (using ALSA and Video4Linux).
* Several libraries for machine learning, neural net, statistical estimation, Hidden Markov Models (gblearn2, Torch, HTK, SVM).
* libraries for computer vision (OpenCV, Intel's open source Vision Library), and 3D scene rendering (OpenInventor).
* bindings to the JavaVM API and to the Python C API.
* Lush is Free Software.

Download: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=34223

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